Voici deux expressions écrites mystérieuses (en anglais s'il vous plait !) par Léa et E. de 4GT. Enjoy !
By Léa :

Last summer in July, I was in my scout camp for two weeks. It was only the third day there when something really strange happened to me. The camp was in a very quiet place, surrounded by woods. It was night and we were all very exhausted. We were having a small party around the fire before going to sleep. There was a good atmosphere, we were singing old French songs while eating roasted marshmallows and cheap crisps. I felt a little bit cold at a moment so I asked my friend if she could go with me to my tent to take a hoodie. Unfortunately, she wanted to stay around the fire and its comforting warmth so I went to my tent alone and brought a flashlight with me. The grass was wet and I could hear the sound of voices slowly dissipating.
Then, I got out of the tent, wearing a comfy sweater. I was starting to walk towards the group when I heard something. I looked behind my shoulder, pointing the flashlight towards the noise. Behind the hedge, in the woods and at a few hundreds meters from where I was standing, dark silhouettes stood around something bright. I thought it might be other scouts, so I turned off my flashlight, approached them slowly and tried to be quiet. I was curious to see what they were doing at this time of the night, maybe a game or something.
When I arrived closer to them, I crouched behind the hedge, knees in the wet grass, but what I saw was not what I expected. There were four men dressed in black. Two of them had their hands full of blood, one was reading a book and the other one had something in his hands. I couldn’t see what that was but it looked like a small animal, probably a rabbit. That was really too cruel. I started to feel dizzy and I leaned over to see if I wasn’t dreaming but I accidentally cracked a twig. They all turned to me with black and angry eyes. It gave me goosebumps and I screamed. I looked behind me to see if I was far away from the group but when I looked again at the men, they were gone.
I didn’t wait a minute longer and I ran away without looking back. I was breathing heavily and was very scared. When I reached the group, my friend yelled at me and said :
« Where were you ? It’s been half an hour that we have been looking for you ! But why are your hands all bloody ? »
By E. : The mysterious woman

My name is Lucie and I’m 15 years old. I’ll tell you my totally incredible story.
It all starts on Saturday 4th October 2002 at 8.30. It was half past eight and I got up. Then I took a shower quickly and I got dressed. I went downstairs to have breakfast with my parents. They were already there. My parents were sitting around the table and were having their breakfast. They were talking a lot but I didn’t know why. My mother told me that we were going to move to a small village. I had really no desire to leave. I begged my parents not to leave but they had made their decision.
On Wednesday morning, we left our house. I was angry against my parents. After two hours of journey, we arrived at our new village. We didn’t have any neighbours around 2km. We were really all alone ! Our new house was very big but it wasn’t beautiful. It was near a forest. After unpacking my suitcases and seeing my bedroom, I decided to leave and explore the surroundings. I went to the forest. This forest was silent and frightening. I could only hear the wind.
Unfortunately, the night was beginning to fall and I saw that I was lost. I didn’t know which way to go back home. I wanted to phone my mother but unfortunately, it ran out of battery.
Suddenly, I heard a strange noise : a footstep. I saw a small figure. It was very cold and I extremely afraid. I started to run very fast. When I stopped, my heart was thumping. Who was this person ?
Far away I discovered a small cabin. There was light inside. I decided to go there to see if somebody could help me. I took a big breath and then I knocked on the door. A small and old woman opened the door for me. She told me to come in and I sat down on a chair. Her cabin was rather small but pleasant. The old woman gave me a cookie and a glass of water.
Suddenly, she started to talk softly and she told me that in exchange of my friendship, she would bring me home. I accepted and she gave me a potion. I drank and then I closed my eyes.
When I opened my eyes, I was in front of my house. Incredible ! How did she do that ?
Since this day I go for a walk twice a week. I spend my morning with her.
However I still haven't found her secret. It’s certainly magic !